Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1,2015 update

I have written my speech for my project, and I'm almost done with my poster board. I have decorated it with fun colors to represent my color run. My speech is about 2 paragraphs, and i have been practicing reading it aloud. I am almost ready for the day where everybody will watch me present!

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015 update

Today, I have found a website that sells the color for my color run, i also found out that the amount of color I'm going to buy wont cost very much! I also found a location for my run. It will hopefully be held in Down Town Auburn, we could close down the roads for the day or something.

Friday, January 30, 2015

20% time update January 30,2015

So far, I have asked my Dad if he could help me with planning the color run. He said he would and he would help get sponsors, which can draw more people to come. Since he works in the hospital, he can also put up flyers to attract people. So far, that's all i have done since the last update.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Project Proposal

Name: Caroline
Project Title: 20% Time
Project Start Date: November 7, 2014
Project Completion Date: May 15, 2014
Mentor’s Name: Jeff Glasscock, Celeigh Albritton, and Kelli Daniel.
Brief Description: For my 20% project is hosting a Color Run to raise money for March For Dimes.

Overview of Project Proposal

1) Project Objective: My objective is to raise $500-$1,000 for March for Dimes. I am hoping to host the color run in March. I also want to help people who have children born prematurely. So, I thought that raising money for March for Dimes would be the perfect solution for this.

2) Project Rationale: I have chosen to do a color run raising money for March for Dimes because, I have always wanted to a fun fundraiser for something. I chose March for Dimes because; my brother was born with water in his lungs. He almost didn’t survive, but he thankfully did. I began seeing commercials on TV about March for dimes, and seeing how bad my brother could have been born. He was one of the children who got “lucky”, while being born unstable. So, I began research about charity fundraisers, but I could never get to the point to do the actual event. Now however, this project is influencing me to finish this fundraiser activity I have wanted to do since June. So, I have decided to do this fundraiser for March for Dimes to finally do something great for the community, and people all over the country.

3) Project Steps:
·         To research more on prematurity
·         To research on how to attract people to come to my event
·         To plan my event thoroughly (date, place, time ,how much money it will cost, e.t.c)

4) Timeline of Activities:
·         To do my research on prematurity.
·         To research on how to get people to come to my event
·         To start searching for a good locally place to host my fun run.
·         I will also began looking for volunteers

·         To make sure I have all the supplies I need for the color run, including the date, volunteers, and everything else
·         Continue gathering supplies
·         Make flyer for run
Plan, and continue advertising my run.

Have my run mid-September  

5) Available Human and Material Resources:
My dad

6) Possible Road Blocks:
Not being able to attract enough people for my color run
The city may not let me
The weather may not cooperate with my color run date.

7) Research Questions:
Will I be able to actually complete my goal?